Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Review: Musashi

Musashi Musashi by Eiji Yoshikawa
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A really fun book. It is very long, but a great one to dive into in order to follow Musashi and others around 16th century Japan. The foreword called it the "Gone with the Wind" of Japan. I can't say I agree, but I see where the idea comes from. It is an epic, based on history, which became a classic, and rightly so (obviously the story is nothing like Gone with the Wind).

This can be divided into various episodes and adventures occurring (more or less) to the same small number of characters, so it's probably best to divide the reading up so it's more or less a collection of stories. In fact, the whole time I kept thinking how it seems perfectly written for an anime series (which obviously didn't exist when it was written). 

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