Sunday, February 20, 2022

Review: Think Like a Rocket Scientist: Simple Strategies You Can Use to Make Giant Leaps in Work and Life

Think Like a Rocket Scientist: Simple Strategies You Can Use to Make Giant Leaps in Work and Life Think Like a Rocket Scientist: Simple Strategies You Can Use to Make Giant Leaps in Work and Life by Ozan Varol
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Ok, now we need someone from the business world to rewrite this book drawing actionable business conclusions for each of the author's points. I mean, the points were great, and the examples were fascinating, and maybe I'm just lazy, but I felt like a step was missing in terms of transferring/translating these points into steps to follow/actions to take/methods to use, at least in terms of business (maybe this book isn't for businesspeople?)

Regardless, some of my notes:

Once certainty ends, progress can begin.

Some good arguments against celebrating failure, and Failing fast. (Learning is more important than failing)

Don't ask yourself "what would you do if you couldn't fail"? but "What would you do if it didn't matter if you failed"?

Ask yourself "What have you failed at?" every day. You should fail at something every day. Otherwise you're not pushing yourself.

Where failure ends, complacency begins.

View all my reviews

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