Monday, March 22, 2021

Review: The Rise and Fall of the Cleveland Mafia: Corn Sugar and Blood

The Rise and Fall of the Cleveland Mafia: Corn Sugar and Blood The Rise and Fall of the Cleveland Mafia: Corn Sugar and Blood by Rick Porrello
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I've been enjoying reading about the mob in peripheral cities (Milwaukee and Denver/Pueblo), and Cleveland was no exception. The author is a former policeman who is descended from one of the original Cleveland mafia families, so he seemed to have some good insight. 

I was amazed I hadn't heard more about the Cleveland Mafia, to tell the truth, seeing as how Capone, Luciano and others had dealings with it, and that Profaci, Mangano and others were arrested there for what seems like a precursor to the Appalachian conference. 

Regardless, if you're interested in reading about the Cleveland Mafia this will be a great book for precisely that. It could possibly do with an update, since Angelo Lonardo has died and presumably there have been further changes in the Cleveland Mafia. 

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