Monday, December 07, 2020

Review: Straight Lines and Poison Gas - At the Hospital Wards

Straight Lines and Poison Gas - At the Hospital Wards Straight Lines and Poison Gas - At the Hospital Wards by Lim Chulwoo
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A strangely haunting book (novella or short story actually). Reminiscent of Korea during the dictatorship. A cartoonist is reprimanded by his boss for a cartoon that was apparently overly critical of the government. He is then brought in for interrogation by the government. And then.. well, not to spoil it, but this story conveys how not much really needs to happen. 

Knowing that the author himself was blacklisted in school due to his father makes it all the more poignant. This story seemed more along the lines of Korean fiction during the 1990s and early 2000s, but it was also original. I look forward to reading more by the author. 

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