Thursday, May 21, 2020

Review: The Lost Estate

The Lost Estate The Lost Estate by Alain-Fournier
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This novel seemed eerily familiar throughout. I'm not sure if I maybe had heard of the story in my youth, or maybe it reminded me of The Secret Garden. Or possibly The Great Gatsby.

Regardless, it is an enchanting book, and I'm not sure I mean that as a compliment. It came close to losing me from time to time, but sure enough it dragged me back in, probably through some trickery or hypnosis.

If I had to analyze it I would say it is a slightly 'coming of age', slightly 'fantasy-like', quasi-love story that is sort of about children's lives in the Northern French countryside. But it isn't enough of any of these to neatly fall into those categories. It also isn't really a happy tale, but it can't be called a sad tale either.

The plot seemed odd at points, with the narrator responding strangely when Meaulnes wishes to leave (yet again). I can't go into more details without spoilers, unfortunately, but let's just say he had information that seemingly would have made Meaulnes's life easier and didn't disclose it for some reason.

So I should probably give it a middling rating. But sure enough, probably due to some trickery or hypnosis, I'm giving it 5 stars.

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