Sunday, December 15, 2019

Review: The Girl from Venice

The Girl from Venice The Girl from Venice by Martin Cruz Smith
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This was a light and quick-paced novel taking place in Italy at the end of WWII. All things that rank favorably for me. Unlike other reviewers, I didn't find the talk about fishing and boating at all boring. I found it pretty fascinating in its own way, and it was pretty much the sum of character development.

Which brings me to the issue I had with this. The characters just seemed odd for some reason. I felt like I had stumbled in halfway through the book or something. They kept saying and doing things that seemed odd, with no real explanation. This included Cenzo, the protagonist, when dealing with them. Why does he feel he can say this and that to one person and not another? Why does he go to this person's house and not the other's? It all just seems to be quite random. Maybe I need my hand held more or something, but there you go.

Anyway, 3 stars in all, since I enjoyed Cenzo, his fishing, and his friends back home.

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