Wednesday, February 07, 2018

John Quincy Adams by Harlow Giles Unger

John Quincy AdamsJohn Quincy Adams by Harlow Giles Unger
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Ok, Thomas Jefferson notwithstanding, now I think JQA might have been the smartest president. at least so far (I'm reading about them in chronological order). He spoke German, French, Latin, Dutch, Greek, Italian, as well as English and a bit of Russian. He reworded the Louisiana Purchase agreement so that (his fellow) Federalists couldn't veto it as unconstitutional.
However, he was probably the most ineffective president. Everyone banded against him so he couldn't accomplish anything, and by the end he was raising silkworms behind the white house with his wife.
He was probably most effective after his presidency, in his fights against slavery, paving the way for Lincoln and the Republicans.
He also died inside the capitol building. Probably its first death.

Also, apparently Decatur, GA is named after Stephen Decatur, who defeated the Algerians marauders. Interesting tidbit.

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