Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Review: An Enemy of the People

An Enemy of the People An Enemy of the People by Henrik Ibsen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

In addition to the whistleblowing aspect and the issue of monetary interest vs. the public good, emphasizing how corporate laissez-faire isn't necessarily good when government officials are in cahoots, this play also touches on the weaknesses, if you will, of democracy. Common people seem to be easily bought off and/or manipulated, despite being literally poisoned by their water supply. The doctor mentions how smart people (i.e. scientists and the like) should be the ones making decisions rather than the common people. Very few of the analyses seem to touch on this, but it's an interesting viewpoint. It reminds us how, to paraphrase Churchill, democracy can be a lousy system, despite being better than everything else out there.

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