Thursday, April 15, 2021

Review: The Unlikely Escape of Uriah Heep

The Unlikely Escape of Uriah Heep The Unlikely Escape of Uriah Heep by H.G. Parry
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Right away I loved the idea of this book, and I started wondering about which characters I would like to bring out of books. Here are a few I settled on: 

Lady Sarashina, Charlotte Bronte (at least from my reading of Barker's "The Brontes), and Arnold Rothstein. In terms of fictional characters, Ludo (the kid from Helen Dewitt's The Last Samurai"), and Paloma, from "The Elegance of the Hedgehog". 

I'm sure there are others. Also, I would just like to talk to them and get an idea as to how they would act and react in my every day life. Not sure about going all (REDACTED DUE TO SPOILERS) and using them to my own ends. 

Anyway, having said that, this book was pretty quick-paced from the beginning. I confess I could do without some of the narrator's whining and prevaricating and doubting himself, etc., although  I understand that was part of the point. 

I look forward to reading more by this author. 

4.5 stars

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