Sunday, November 29, 2020

Review: Emerson among the Eccentrics: A Group Portrait

Emerson among the Eccentrics: A Group Portrait Emerson among the Eccentrics: A Group Portrait by Carlos Baker
My rating: 0 of 5 stars

This is a dnf for me, at least for now. I read the book "The Private Lives of the Impressionists" and found it fascinating, despite knowing very little of the impressionists ahead of time. It was enthralling to read how these famous characters were students together and all knew each other before becoming famous. So I thought that reading about Emerson, Hawthorne, Thoreau, Alcott, etc. and how their lives were intertwined, would be just as fascinating, if not more so. And it probably is, but my impression is that you need to know a bit more about these authors before embarking on this book. It goes into minute detail in terms of many aspects of their lives, but completely glosses over other parts (Emerson's first wife, etc.), which would have helped me in terms of knowing generalities of their lives. 

If and when I'm more inspired to read up on these writers and do my own independent research along with the book, then I may tackle it again, since I'm sure it is an excellent book. 

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