Monday, October 19, 2020

Review: La città del sole

La città del sole La città del sole by Tommaso Campanella
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Campanella seems to have amalgamated aspects of Thomas More's Utopia, Plato's dialogues, Christianity and some astrology for good measure. 

I did like how he seemed to be a fan of new inventions, which were aplenty in this city of the sun. Including an "orecchiale", like an "occhiale" but for listening to space. I also liked how knowledge should be open to all, and not closed up to the people. 

He talks about how their inhabitants are amazed that we are occupied with breeding horses and dogs, but we don't do the same with human. But then takes the wrong lesson and basically has them practice eugenics. 

I did not like how women and children were basically common property. Also, what was the deal with 'voluntary' human sacrifice?? Also, it seemed like he was kissing up to the Spanish toward the end (which he probably was). 

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