Friday, July 10, 2020

Review: Etruschi: Storia Di Un Popolo Misterioso

Etruschi: Storia Di Un Popolo Misterioso Etruschi: Storia Di Un Popolo Misterioso by Eleonora Sandrelli
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Actually not too bad. The annoying boxes always break my flow when reading the main text, but it has some interesting cursory information. I can't give it more than 3 stars since I feel it is basically a long Wikipedia article.

Some of my notes:
They used to call themselves the Rasna or Rasenna
It's odd that the book states they were apparently a very maritime civilization, but none of their cities were along the sea.
The Etruscan written language is very similar to the local written language of Lemnos, which shows at least some Aegean roots.

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