Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Review: Hero: Being the Strong Father Your Children Need

Hero: Being the Strong Father Your Children Need Hero: Being the Strong Father Your Children Need by Meg Meeker
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This book was interesting and I'm glad I read it. All of the stories and conclusions seem to come from anecdotal evidence and personal experience (so basically the opposite of Emily Oster), but I found it interesting nonetheless.

Some of my notes:

Kids seek dad's love more than mom's. Mom's always around, not dad, so they feel that the love needs to be earned
Kids do better when parents are together, even if unhappy, rather than divorced and happy
6 plays:
1. play with kids
2. pray with kids
3. say the truth
4. Be steady
5. Be firm (provide discipline)
6. Stay committed

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