Thursday, July 25, 2019

Review: All My Goodbyes

All My Goodbyes All My Goodbyes by Mariana Dimópulos
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I hate to say this but this reminds me why I should stay away from contemporary best sellers and stick to classics (which I seldom actually do, but still).

As others commenters have mentioned, the style is extremely jumpy, and I imagine this is supposed to be a reflection of the narrator, who is very flighty and keeps changing her job, her country and her surroundings. However, her descriptions of every place and situation sound so similar, and she keeps jumping around so much through space and time, that I can never quite tell what she's referring to.

I recognize that this might be my issue. Maybe I'm just not built for this type of novel, or maybe I just don't get some deeper meaning. Maybe if I had a different mindset I would have found it beautiful.

Paradoxically I think if I had read it in the original Spanish I would have gotten more out of it, since I would have had to read it much more slowly and with a much more discerning eye.

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