Thursday, January 24, 2019

Review: Strange Weather in Tokyo

Strange Weather in Tokyo Strange Weather in Tokyo by Hiromi Kawakami
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I agree with the reviewer who said that a gloomy room with alcohol is probably the best setting to read this book.

This book was probably close to a 3 for a good while, but then became a strong 4 the more I read it. On the surface barely anything happens, but in the meantime we get to learn about two quite different people who get closer and closer to each other. We also see a generational divide, which translates (somewhat) into a more Western/modern vs. a more Japanese/traditional divide. We also get to read a lot about food, food and food (and plenty of drinking). Interspersed are memories from high school, mushroom picking in the mountains, a concert in a park, a trip to an island, and many nights in a bar. Oh, and some magical realism too.

Oddly enough I had both "The briefcase" and "Strange Weather in Tokyo" in my wishlist, not realizing they were the same book. "The briefcase" is probably the more apt title, but "Strange Weather in Tokyo" worked much better for me (as did the cover design).

View all my reviews

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